This was balanced today as a kind of greeting for the new season… it feels quite refreshing to see the movements of the sun change into spring. Going out to the creek most days and observing the sunsets, I’ve developed a keen sense of the sun changing position through the seasons…… now the sun sets noticeably further north than before..  and the change triggers some kind of subconscious excitement with the longer days… like a seasonal renewal..

This balance is an example of advanced point balance… specifically with the small round middle rock..  the line of balance is extremely fine and to realize such a balance requires a relative contentment and confidence with danger… it is much less dangerous to point balance this large rock on a stable base.. but here, the base is just as unstable as the fine balance itself.. any type of flinch can easily trigger a sudden slip out out of the balance region, possibly resulting in crunched fingers…

Most balances require i high degree of concentration, focus, mindfulness, but realizing balances like this, where the top rock is barely liftable with one arm, requires an overlooking degree of awareness…. there is a balance that must be met between realization and ability to safely handle sudden collapse without injury… too much mind paid to either side will create increased risk.. just do it!… i have lived through the collapses… they can be dangerous, and i have almost gotten hurt more than scratches… but the learning involved is very much worth it… not to mention the satisfaction of realization.. :)

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