“If your relationship to the present moment is not right — nothing can ever be right in the future — because when the future comes — it’s the present moment.”
~ Eckhart Tolle

BAWI 2015
Massa Lubrense, Italy
Variation I
my favorite part about this balance was how the middle triangle decided to balance at the perfect angle to align with the slight curve of the distant cliffside. couldn’t have lined it up better myself.. but the parallel was a central highlight for my photos.
this guy…! one of the locals! ^^
This was a completely spontaneous event.. he just jumped in the frame and started posing… so i ran with it. despite my usual worry of rocks falling.. but this guy was an incredibly poetic individual. Worthy of romancing the rocks haha!
<– I’m slightly less poetic . . . (Photo by John Felice Ceprano)
Variation II
I guess my favorite part about this variation was the sheer challenge.. it took significantly longer to build than the first. I also love the different light that came out during its lifespan.. and the moon <3
Seen in the night shots is the small town of Massa Lubrense.. really beautiful little place just south of Sorrento
Rock Report:
rocks here are an interesting change.. lots of sedimentary, essentially useless for technically involved balancing such as this. also lots of volcanic rock which is a bit harder but fairly lightweight, meaning.. they do not work well as top rocks because they are both lightweight and still slightly brittle. then there are these other rocks… (pictured here) which are fairly angular, gray, whose biggest challenge is lack of friction, meaning the balance must be that much more precise, especially in top heavy multidimensional arrangements like this.. good thing is they feel as hard as granite. but one wrong slip or twist could lead to a sudden accident, cuz when they slip at the wrong angle, they slip faster than one can think. from there it’s all luck of quick reflexes. so as with all balancing… GO SLOWLY. also, i couldn’t build this without sitting comfortably, which can also be a challenge given the terrain. but still, with all the challenges, really beautiful things are possible.
Will u have a 2017 calendar?
I appreciate what you are doing. Amazing!!!
Δήμητρα Ζωή Σαμπαζιώτου otan geraso
Holly Heart. Hi.
This photo jus makes me so happy . April Terborg
Great photo
Ирада Омарова
A new fan of your art.
Outra vez, o equilibrio…..
Skyler Yanish Matthew Ronder
It is amazing. He has to spend hours upon hours just getting everything to balance.
this is mine … :)
There are so many things in life that amaze and baffle me. This is one of them. How in the world can someone do this? I can’t balance on one damn foot!
Great photo
Respect, mec… B| Tu peux participer aux compétitions de Jenga :P
Johna, sieh mal… :)
Da musst du noch ein wenig üben … aber du bist ja dicht dran mit deinen Steinchen… :)
Поет рівноваги.
Bientôt Kevin t’y arriveras ;-)
Will Lathrop damn
That’s cool!
That is totally what I thought. We’re all a stack of bones, not all as gorgeous as your rocks and stones but all a stack, still, in motion and in reference to the earth always.
And he’s got great color and a hat and a beard and he thinks in Italian, all of which makes the inevitable collapse to the earth more like poetry.
He showed true appreciation for the beauty of your work <3
Beautiful! The men and your work!
He looks fascinated! Love it!
aren’t we all? ;-)
he was, in fact, living poetry.. haha :D
Lucky guy :)
Dude! This takes it to another level… more than the leaves. Its the human element! Love it!
so awesome
Very cool
Arte puro desafiando la gravedad….genial
Mr Glue very nice
Sadly, we were in Boulder a few months ago. When you come to San Antonio, I will pose continuously for you. Your work is pretty awesome so it’s the least I can do
OMG this is the best, you can feel his big heart through the picture ❤️
dit heb ik vaker gezien met heel stenenknap hoor
Alan Dashper
really inspiration brother… keep it up ;) love n light #sangachadwam #india
fantastic moment!
Love all your work
Italian PopEye!
Yep … that’s my face every time I see your art!
Non lo credo possibile…. O_O
Contemplating the universe one rock at a time. <3 this
made me smile! :)
I just love this one :)
That is a great photo
Did you get to have a verbal conversation?
nope.. he just jumped in, started posing, and i continued shooting .. ha.. highly transient moment.
This guy adds something incredibly powerful :)
And why can’t I share the second smaller image? I really like the contrast between stillness, balance and movement.
Beautiful !
Thierry Schuepbach
Weisch no^^ ;)
Jo eh :D !
Ostario promatrajući
Was that your balance, or his?
Amo profondamente ogni tuo lavoro… se poi onori il mio splendido paese di una tua opera, beh… la perfezione. <3
Soooo awesome
Complimenti ! Ottimo lavoro ! Ti raggiungero’ presto !
Love this! Can’t wait to try
What genuine appreciation he shows!!
Where are you based out of?
boulder, co, usa for now
Gravity Glue boulder… coincidence? i think not
You are amazing
So is he
All of that regardless
I really have to pee.
Scottie Bloomer
He reminds me of my Grandpa..Who looks things with curiosity !!!
He is paying tribute to your amazing artistry <3
Good job!
I can’t lie, I’d probably do the same thing! :D
Enzo Vincenzo Caputo mooi he? is in italie
Quite a marvel <3
LOVE this!
Pretty amazing…. One of these days I will learn to do that, have tried for years…
you are amazing
U look awesome guy.
amazing work and design sense…❤
Very nice! Your hands and fingers are perfectly healthy because in a slightest move everything will fall.
Very good !
Nice top
Mmmm youre very cool
Love this arrangement. Kismet!
Hey mate come to vulcano etna i will bring you there
Super moon silhouette balance?
I was stacking the other day and felt this vertical force, Oh, gravity glue !!!!
Looking forward to the calendar… I can imagine how hard this selection is :)
when is the calender coming out? I want to get a few as pressies for Xmas…do you ship to Australia?
Did you do the ones in Green River, UT in front of The Tamarisk Restaurant? We stopped there for breakfast and I wanted to take pictures but my phone needed a charge.
And apparently people aren’t familiar w/ a shoulder harness vest?! Very much the practical. Especially when it’s hot.
Have you thought about have a contest to let’s fans vote on what goes into the calendar?
offer a few calendar drawn from the participants, encourage sharing
was the picture taken in Levanto ?
very cute :)
It took me a few minutes to notice the rocks…..nice! lol
Finding the balance❤️
That is one of my favorite Balances Michael! As I have said before, you are an inspiration to find the balance in everyday, in all things.
Divine co-creation
find the TRIANGLE!
Jaxen Genore Jaxen Genore
U need to come through utah
As always….Beautiful work….
Nice to put a face to these amazing creations!
Кто-то воздвиг))
Sono quasi 15 anni che pratico quest’ arte rilassante / zen . Sono stupito dalle tue opere . Ci sono andato molto vicino . Spero non ti dispiaccia se ho postato lo screenschot della mia pagina ! Grazie
Nice pic! Also, the rock balancing isn’t too bad either! ;)
Complimenti !
Love your creations, keep rockin
Awesome balance dear ;)
I still am trying to understand how you get them to balance like that? :)
Dude. You’re the best.
Insane dude
Una vera passione. Trovare l equilibrio tra una roccia e l atra e lo stesso tempo trovare l equilibro in te stesso.
Very cool!!
Dear Mr. Glue, You rock! Love, Me (It had to be said.)
you have some mad skills i’m completely in awe
One I made on my porch, so fun and so hard
i m new in this ..you was recomend by my friennd ,,and they confuse your stattute..you dont live in Romania
and me i like your post by rocks balance
no i do not live in romania.. i was there for a week or so recently.
Love love love ur awesome creations. Just beautiful go u gotta try come to Marbella, Spain. ✌️
You couldn’t do these in Ellensburg, too much wind.
Viking Style !! Hâte de voir les nouveaux clichés ;)
Looking good, mike! Happy you’re happy!
right on
Karen Hatman Sellman Marissa Paino #beltbag
That’s hot.
Another unique creation!
I love the feeling when the rocks ‘lock’ into place. Truly breathtaking. Totally relaxing.
and you look like a Viking….helps the photo balance…..
Dude, you rock! I follow you through your adventures and I look forward to your postings every morning! Thank you!!
Always eager to see you new work.. love it….just to humour you, i was starting BBQ and ended up spending time building coals on top of each other….and asking the question…how the hell does he do this !!!!
You look very Game of Thrones-ish! Any dragons thereabouts?
beautiful creation
Roi Benoלשניה חשבתי שזה אתה
חחחחחח אחלה ראאאצצצבי
Beautiful. You and your creations.
Okay. What is this you are wearing? Looks very practical whatever it is. Like the hat also. Oh, the balance isn’t too shabby either. Ha
A new tool. Very convenient for traveling n playing :)
Found only in Italy?
i got it from an italian dealer who was vending at “psy Fi festival” in the netherlands
Sweet burner pack bro. Mad sexy
What kind of “playing?”
haha! :D
Laurin Griffith with rocks :)
I don’t know…it looks more suspicious than a rock holder….
looks perfect for 6 or 8 spray cans ………….and easy to ditch if needed
Gravity Glue Gravity Glue you look sexy hippi man :)
Nice bag. Is that your Rock balancing bag?
i guess it is now… ! incredibly convenient design.. functional, ergonomic. tho the pockets should stay snapped shut or zipped when not in use.. already lost a camera remote and almost an ipod due to unsnapped pockets + bending down to pick up a rock in the creek.
It’s called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one….
Very cool! Will your calendar be available to purchase online?
I’d like to see you working…can you publish a video?
He has many .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aC8cBP2dL8A
Wonderful! Thank you! :)
amazing gift~
you need to come to ibiza!
Me too!
You’re awesome man! Keep on keeping on!
I wish I could do that. But at least I tried it and learned that I’m no good at it. Keep posting yours.
Cool pic!
Your balances are so beautiful. And I like your Goorin Brothers hat :oD
Tina check out this page it’s the bhest
what in the world is this
bruh this is eye relaxing
is this page about rocks
it’s art
Kristoff Larkin
my first balance
I have not the technique only good will to discover
So stunning
This is so true :-)
So true! Very beautiful and so fragile…
Great work .. !!and again if u ever find your self near Corfu I can take u to several beaches with all kind of rocks…
When I see these images I get a form of Tourettes. Profanities issue forth and I foam a little at the mouth. If I owned a gun I may very well blow my brains out
Mate u inspire me so much…
Matheus Fortes
Elena Drozdova, would you join me by trying to set up smth like this?
sure, my dear))
wishing to do any thing is a big deal !
Lovely <3
Bello !!!
WOW! Just, WOW!
Tom Donald ❤️
So beautiful! It’s ‘petrified’ dance! :)
With challenges, really beautiful things are possible-beautifully said , and proved! As usual, everything beautiful!