Patience and Wisdom

I would say the most pivotal lesson of Stone balance is that of developing patience. NOT blind patience. Just a simple calm in the slow realization of goals.  I find myself today being tested.. last night brought a slightly torturous dream that surfaced uncomfortable thoughts…

I woke several times in a state of discontent, wondering when or IF the dream would end… but it continued… I was at a loss to change the pattern and only found a mild peace in the sunrise this morning…

As I think about the meaning of the dream I realize it was fueled by irrational worries more than anything else…   I have never felt love as much as I feel now… it permeates through my entire being and influences so much of my activities… I am beyond grateful because it feels genuine and completely mutual.. in my sense, this full reciprocity is enjoyed by few.. So i consider myself among the luckiest human beings on Earth.

“Patience is the Companion of Wisdom” ~ St. Augustine

Although the person I’d love to talk to is currently unavailable, this is the natural course and I am left here to mull over my feelings on my own — an extremely potent test of patience and wisdom.  I will ALWAYS have my art as a release.. and writing always dampens the anxiety…along with beautiful music of course.. :)

Not clinging to negative thoughts is among the most valuable lessons in life.. this involves PATIENCE and knowledge that all thoughts, and dreams, although uncontrollable, can either be held, or let go of… the thoughts that one chooses to grasp or let go of are a very good indicator of wisdom.

If we constantly dwell on the negative meanderings of the mind, I imagine this indicates a huge LACK of wisdom.. when we can experience our thoughts, good or bad, without clinging, then there is a greater presence of wisdom… in my opinion.  All comes down to CHOICE. or Free Will.  In this sense, Free will is what dictates destiny..  WE CREATE OUR UNIVERSE. :)  and I feel too OVERWHELMED with LOVE to let a negative dream obstruct a positive avalanche!! <3

Perhaps the most satisfying part of recording my art is the feeling it gives me to look back on the images… I am not the only one who finds peace and serenity in viewing images of stone balance.. I think they really do have a way of relaxing the mind and helping to free ourselves of grasped thoughts… so if you are stressed about something.. can always look at some rocks :)


2 Responses
  1. Beth

    It’s been said to me, dreaming is the psyche’s way of facing our deep pains we do not need to experience on the physical plane. You have delved deeply and so are now protected from that fear. You healed yourself last night. Go gently today :)

  2. How wonderful that you experience love all the time! – despite your unsettling dream… This kind of openness certainly helps to be able to keep perspective when the more “negative” feelings arise; being able to allow them to be without attachment… I am learning this one. :) I can confirm that looking at the image of rock balances calms the mind! :) – especially the video of you actually doing the balances. Love your imagery today too. Almost a Zen-like simplicity. Nice post…

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