Diary of a Rock Balancer ::
Stone Balance Art created and photographed by Michael Grab — 20 October 2016 — Boulder, Colorado, USA ::
Slow and Steady ~ Video Demonstration

This was the first recording attempt on this one.. kinda magical the way it worked so smoothly this time and in nice synchronicity with fluid light patterns.. . .
Funny i had it finished early in the video and decided it wasn’t quite close enough to the edge and risked the readjustment.. which ended up taking twice as long (5 minutes of which i cut out cuz it was all the same movements..) anyway, you’ll see.. enough talking, enjoy :)
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[…] Click here to see a video demonstration of building this core arrangement. […]
There is more to this than meets the eye. There is something you are doing that no one else knows. To begin with the site is pre selected. The site is prepped. It appears that you are randomly picking stones from the stream when this is not what is happening. There appears to be a central point you are looking for when balancing the stones. Perhaps you have the ability to sense a gravity wave or stream or central point. As far as I know you are the only human??? on this planet who can do this with such ease.
i reckon there is almost always more than meets the eye… this particular balance was created about 3 times since the previous day, leading up to this recording. Although, this was the first recording attempt. So yes i knew which rocks i would balance and in which order. although, this was by far the smoothest attempt, meaning it worked out easier than i anticipated.. recording was not a thought when choosing the site.. site selection was chosen based on the calmness of water flow to reflect the surrounding fall color… :) as for doing this “with such ease”.. that’s just from years and years of practiced skill… there are other practitioners around the world, at every skill level i can imagine.. but very few possess the skill and experience to quickly execute a complicated balance such as this. but still, relatively, this was a fairly simple balance to realize because none of the rocks are excessively massive… everything here is easily within my strength capacity, which usually makes things less risky. As for something i’m doing that “no one else knows”, i disagree as far as i’m aware. There’s definitely a level of meditation involved but i don’t think i possess any special magic that escapes significant practice.. However, I am willing to bet that I am among, if not the most practiced/experienced balancers on the planet.. for now. :)
Erika López
I love the face in that last stone. When your done amd walk away it looks like a man pondering over the water with his hands behind his back. :) beautiful work.
Absolutely incredible!!!! So beautiful. This is what the whole humanity needs: BALANCE!!!! =D Thank you for your great art work. Namaste
Of course!
Michael Howey
Kyle this guys videos is what got me started. Check him out we gotta step our game up!!!!!
Sao bạn Quang Gas
je suis pas trés loin
Looks impossible…but there, you have it. The last rock is balanced on its beard, lol
Kaleb, stackin nd clackin!!
Welcome to me
Me quedo loca loca viéndote, eres increible
Lucas Grigório Franklin Medeiros
Sweet! Behind the scenes of awesome!
That was 7 minutes of Amazing. Thanks for posting.
Joe Indovina
unglaublich und spannend :)
Thank you for sharing this serene video. It’s just what I needed today.
Greg Davies
Nek stack will be like that when i hit the beach again
Dave McGuire, da i think you’ll like this. very zen.
thank you for sharing, love watching you do the magic ♡
I love your work. Thanks for all this beauty .
so much fun to watch. I do some building myself and I could really feel what was happening here..loved it..vicarious..I am a bit jealous of all the stones you have to work with. They are a bit sparse around here (DC area) I was with you till the cap stone..I don’t have that level of confidence. Thank you for sharing this so enjoyed it!! Woo hoo!
WOW :)
Fire and water. Such a soul. Thankyou for sharing yourself.
Sylvain Megret Marie Yvette Megret allez au boulot !
Patrick Dik
I would not have thought that it actually can be relaxing to watch the process
Asger Brink han glemte bladene
Så den godt i morges! Ja han gjorde men det er stadig sygt at han kan
ja!!!! tak!!! endelig forstår du at det er vildt
Det er fucker vildt
Jeg fatter det ikke
Josie Alder Bec Alder
So therapeutic to watch. Thankyou.
Sarah Champion
Michael you work/play opens spaces in mine and many others hearts. Thanks for the video. It helps me slow down and an amazing meditation.
Vanessa Monahan Kacsuta
Wow Michael………
I love when you share videos!!!!
bravo !!
One of the most beautiful things I’ve seen. I swear you have magic pulsing through your veins. Thank you for a few moments of peace.
A suspenseful story with an incredible denouement. Thank you!
Watching this is calming.
I’ve always wondered how you did it :)
Thank you Michael – this is balm to my very hurting soul right now
I love how you “watered” it before you left.
I do so love your hobby and thanks for sharing this video …the sound of the flowing rushing river is marvelous ….
Ulysses Montijo Jr. watch this
That was awesome I see we need to try but bigger, we need to go back to the park again.
yeah I csnt wait. I want to try
Very nice light
This what life is about, balance.
Nice work mate i had to remember to breath while i watched.
Christina Fowler
Wonderful watching you at work ….amazing so beautiful.
Gerard Anthony
Thank you for sharing this video. Very relaxing to watch. You really do have a gift.
So cool
Nice 1 Michael!!!!
This was exactly what I needed today! Thank you again for sharing your talent with the all of us.
Simplemente hermoso e inspirador
I just watched you do this and can’t get my mind around it! You have been blessed with a magical touch. Thank you for sharing this extraordinary moment!
Awesome and relaxing, thank you. :)
Check out this guy’s cool site! There are soms amazing photos, Lauren Young!
Oliver Alexander Kellner irgendwo habe ich gelesen, dass du Löcher in die Steine machst um so etwas hinzubekommen…. da ist noch Potenzial ;-)
Sehr schön…wahrscheinlich kann er nicht bohren :-)….im “Ernst” – echt klasse!
yay, the ones where we can hear the water are the Best !
Can someone explain why he drips water over it at the end for me please? xx
Just for fun. And because the water gives a special brigth on the rocks
So peacefull to watch… Thank you <3
I have to share some fun we had camping this summer. The kids / adults had never heard of this so I showed them and we proceeded to fill this little island. Nothing like yours but you inspire me. Thank you for that.
Michael it struck me watching this vid and thinking about all the locations where you have balanced that besides meditation (and probably because of that) and art (both balance n superb photography) that you are also conducting planet repair …
Stone Stacking folks are always good,cool, folks.
Incredible!!! Wonderful!!!
❤️ beautiful. Balance in all things – mind, body,breath, water, air, elements. Love the video
This video is such a great look at exactly HOW you do this. Not at all the process I envisioned. It’s even more amazing than I believed. I thought you carefully and painstakingly chose the rocks with some vision in mind. But, OMG you just use what the universe presents and let the rocks determine the end result. LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!!
More of this please!
OOOOOH, a Video!!!!!! LOVE IT!! You have the patience of Job:)
Amazing and Peaceful…Thanks for sharing…<3
Charlotte, this is so therapeutic to watch. Let’s go balance rocks in a stream in Yorkshire!
Perhaps you are unawares of how cold it is here right now.
Don’t you remember when I swam in the lake with the ice?
I was just wishing on Sunday to see you do this as I tried to balance two rocks! Thank you for sharing.
I hope this is the first in a series. I’ve always wanted to actually watch you work. Thank you!
Fantastic…. !
I love your work, Gravity Glue. Thanks for recording and sharing this video with us; I found it very relaxing and peaceful. Just what I needed today! Thanks. :) <3
me too.
Thanks for the lesson
Very cool. Thanks for sharing.
Oli Ver Kupcik toto je brutal
Amber Lamdin still photoshopped?
Awesome job, congratulation man.
I MISS YOU! The good old days before you were famous and shit! HA JK so fucking happy for you!