Here is a series of balances using the same middle rock…obviously… I always think it is cool to see how very slight twists of rocks can yield very different feeling through the shape changes… the first two balances on the left are the exact same rocks… just slightly twisted around the balance points… each one has a unique flow of movement in my opinion.. each of these two took roughly an hour to complete… mostly from learning the rocks and working with such a high center of gravity..   The third has a different bottom rock and the top rock sits on a completely different balance point..

The next balance is a variation of the above versions.  Difference? top middle rock is the only rock that is the same.  All the others are different.  Repetition is a good way to improve skill… each variant takes slightly less time than the previous to realize… as if the mind learns the movements and gravity of the particular rocks…

Now the next balance incorporates a slightly differ base…   simply experimenting with blending various forms of rocks for an overall design balance… honestly all have a very different appeal to me…neither is better or worse than the rest… the rocks always perfect because it is the zen of the object.. ;)



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