The Right Time and Place


Sometimes things just line up. Out once again with Jonna and Nanook in the forest… overcast, windy day. No hope of balancing today I thought… Then, to my surprise, I came upon a small inlet of the forest, completely shielded by wind.  as luck would have it, The rocks here were BEAUTIFUL with the various designs and colors from moss and lichen. The experience connected back in time when someone handed me a mossy rock to implement into a balance.. an inspiring fellow by the name of Karl C. in Ottawa, Canada. the moss on the rocks demonstrated a familiar essence with the immediate environment. The greenish mosses worked to unite the rocks with their surrounding forest.. I love this aspect…


One thing I always enjoy when balancing, is water. I love to wet the rocks, however, today I was unsure of how I would do this… Fortunately, as soon as I completed the balance, It began raining in the area… just enough to keep the rocks steadily wet, without collapsing them.  I thought it to be a synchronous alignment of elements.  Once these rocks became soaked with rain, I fell in love with them even more, as the dark greys and contrasting textures emerged.


Although the balance is quite simple here, I really enjoy the design. The top rock compliments the bottom very well with a nice intermediate rock in the middle. For some reason, every balance somehow reflects its environment in the most perfect way.. I can’t explain this connection very well, but I see it every time I complete something that excites my spirit. Personal perception perhaps. but I love when my creation FEELS like an extension of its environment… it radiates a certain energy which is intimately woven to my creative instinct. here, the rain MUST have happened when it did for the complete experience.  I MUST have found the rocks I did as random as they were. I MUST have even stopped the car at the right place to lead me toward this precise moment. it’s all just a matter of being in the right time and place. perfect imperfection.


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