Indoor balancing is a nice option when outside conditions are not balance friendly (ex: wind, cold, etc). Indoors can be fun because it often involves smaller rocks, and is a bit easier to play around in the comfort of home.  Here is a small balance i put together on a ledge at home.  Indoor balancing is rather inviting for photography, as it is easier to control light conditions.  Despite the unnatural setting, Light is a crucial factor in highlighting the fine details and characters of rocks.  Here are 3 shots of the same balance with 3 different light directions..

Since the rocks are so small, even slighter vibration can collapse them.. Luckily since it is indoors, this balance has remained on the ledge for a few days now, and is a pleasant decoration to walk by each time.  Many balancers around the world practice indoor balance during poor weather… I consider myself slightly new to indoor balancing, but it is hard to resist when I have small rocks all around the apartment… especially when I live with a fellow balancer.. Try it for yourself. Similar to playing with blocks or legos. :)  And it is a very good way to practice the skill within your comfort zone… I still prefer being out in the creek because the possibilities are greater and slightly more unpredictable… not to mention the soothing sound of the water.

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