Greeting the Full Moon

“He who works with his hands is a laborer.
He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman.
He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist.”

~ St. Francis of Assisi


I always have special experiences when I hike up to Woods Quarry, which is a short hike out of Boulder, CO. I knew there would be a full moon tonight but had no idea when it would rise. Being able to shoot the real thing with its inspired creation turned out to be a pleasing alignment of elements.  It is usually best to have no expectations when I head out on a creative venture.  I started a bit late in the day so I didn’t assume to have any substantial time for a to complete a project…

I had never attempted the ball arrangement before. Got completely experimental… All I knew was that I’d seen pictures of them before. And I thought it fitting to create one in light of the Full Moon.  I had many balls of various sizes constructed, but many kept blowing over in the wind.  This one was the only one large and heavy enough to resist the gusty wind.  The timing and placement of everything was perfect as soon as I saw the moon rise. A moment I like to call “divine alignment” :)

This photo was taken earlier this evening. The lighting was achieved using a remote and remote flash.

44 Responses
  1. ***
    ‘Celui qui travaille avec ses mains est un ouvrier.
    Celui qui travaille avec ses mains et sa tête est un artisan.
    Celui qui travaille avec ses mains, sa tête et son coeur est un artiste’
    (Saint-François d’Assise)

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