Gravity Glue Interview: Renato Brancaleoni

I did not plan this, but it is my pleasure to share this interview on Renato’s birthday :D  I had actually planned on posting this interview a few days ago and have been a little behind recently… ha   but this works perfectly.

Renato is an exceptional rock balancer whom I had the great privilege of meeting in Italy during BAWI 2012. Alongside meeting, I also got to visit one of Renato’s balancing spots in Cattolica, Italy.  He even helped me understand the trains better in an unknown country.  Renato has been a great inspiration since I began seeing his work on Flickr years ago.  Truly a Master of Balance… Something I LOVE about Renato’s style is the playfulness he incorporates into his balancing, not to mention some extreme technical difficulty.. You may be able to tell by looking at his work that he loves the rocks just as much as I do.  :)

Photo by Antonello Pietrarossi

***All Photos in this post (except the above image) are under ownership and copyright of Renato Brancaleoni and require direct permission for use.


More of Renato’s work and photos can be found here:

Renato’s Flickr Photostream

Renato’s Facebook



GG: How long have you been practicing stone balance? Where do you normally practice?

Practical balancing stones eight years mostly with sea views close to Riccione, Italy and in the coastal areas to the south. Cattolica, Gabicce, Castel di Mezzo and Fiorenzuola di Focara are my favorite areas

*Pratico il bilanciamento delle pietre da otto anni prevalentemente con vista mare nelle zone costiere vicine a Riccione verso sud. Cattolica, Gabicce, Castel di Mezzo e Fiorenzuola di Focara sono le mie zone preferite

GG: Please describe your first experience rock balancing. How did you first discover the art?

In 2006, towards the end of summer (September) I started to balance some rocks … it was just “love” that to this day I have never abandoned. For years I felt attraction to the stones, while walking along the Adriatic coast of the Marche, watched by their color and their shape. Trying to get to know I used the internet and it happened to see that someone put them in balance.

* Nel 2006 verso la fine dell’estate (Settembre) ho iniziato a mettere in equilibrio alcuni sassi …è stato subito “grande amore” che a tutt’oggi non mi ha mai abbandonato. Da anni sentivo attrazione per le pietre che, durante le passeggiate lungo la costa romagnola marchigiana, osservavo per il loro colore e  la loro forma . Cercando di approfondire la conoscenza ho utilizzato internet e mi è capitato di vedere che qualcuno li metteva in equilibrio.

GG: Please identify one or more stone balance artists (if any) that inspired you initially and/or along your journey, and have contributed to your own style/interest/development with the art.

On Flickr, I noticed Bill Dan and Heiko Brinkmann, two artists that I have been impressed by their skill in the apparent impossible and they were the first inspirations.

*In Flickr , ho notato Bill Dan ed Heiko BrinKmann, due artisti che mi hanno subito impressionato per la loro abilità nell’arte dell’apparente impossibile e loro sono stati i primi ispiratori.

GG: Do you feel a spiritual dimension to the practice? How has stone balance improved your life/ approach to life/ general well-being?

The balance of the stones, as I understand it, requires a complete harmony with the natural environment, harmony can be achieved only by freeing the head from the worries and stress and leave room for observation and listening. To me it’s like a cure-stress and at the same time a way to temporarily leave the world to return shortly after with the hope of being more available than before.

*Il bilanciamento delle pietre, per come lo intendo io,  richiede una completa armonia con l’ambiente naturale , armonia che si può ottenere solo liberando la testa dalle preoccupazioni e dalle tensioni e lasciare spazio all’osservazione ed all’ascolto. Per me è come una cura antistress ed allo stesso tempo un modo per uscire temporaneamente dal mondo per farvi ritorno dopo poco con la speranza di essere più disponibile di prima.

GG: Do you think stone balance has therapeutic and/or academic applications? please explain.

Definitely can be used as a therapy against depression some situations but I think that the experience of stones in balance should find a place in the education of children by helping to strengthen all the skills necessary for a life in harmony with the environment other.

*Sicuramente può essere adoperato come una terapia nei confronti di  alcune situazioni depressive ma credo che l’esperienza dei sassi in equilibrio debba trovare spazio  nell’educazione dei bambini contribuendo a rafforzare tutte quelle capacità indispensabili per un vivere in armonia nell’ambiente con gli altri.

GG: Lastly, please offer any comments/advice (if any) for beginners.

The balance of the stones is something that beginners should try it without too many constraints, there should be no obstacles to creativity, there must be pre-set times, there must be no targets or record and there should be no tricks. You have to let go in order to achieve all those projects stimulated by suggestions that come from within in harmony with nature…

*Il bilanciamento delle pietre è una cosa che i principianti devono provare senza troppi condizionamenti, non ci devono essere freni alla creatività, non ci devono essere tempi prestabiliti, non ci devono essere traguardi o record e non ci devono essere trucchi. Bisogna lasciarsi andare per realizzare tutti quei progetti stimolati dai suggerimenti che vengono da dentro in armonia con la Natura……

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