This garden was the first I had built in this specific location.. However in the distance of the camera frame is a much more familiar location, which I visited several times last summer. The background location came into my current awareness during Day 3’s placement of two rocks back there. It looked rather dead in the distance compared to my immediate cluster of balance.

Today I simply realized the potential to create another focus for my garden in the distant background. My goal was waves in my overall perspective, and I grew increasingly joyful in realizing the expansion. Although in the distant background, all those rocks held quite a distinct energy in close vicinity. On fractal scales, each garden; foreground and background, can be viewed as their own individual balances… each balanced in themselves down to individual rocks… but then can combine into a greater balance collectively up the scale. Similar to galactic clusters in a sense… There is a spike in energy among the height of these gardens.. I LOVE sitting with them and walking among them..
“An experienced practitioner of the discipline works spontaneously while intuitively placing each stack at location where there is corruption of the energy fields of our world. The underlying science is best described as acupuncture for the earth and bio-system. Stone balancing = shamanic healing practice.”
~ Jim Needham (“The Rockstacker“)
Korea is believed to be the second country that acupuncture spread to outside of China. Within Korea there is a legend that acupuncture was developed by the legendary emperor Dangun though it is more likely to have been brought into Korea from a Chinese colonial prefecture.