Doing it for the LOVE!

Rocks are beautiful from multiple angles. Textures change. Colors change.  Just as every human being has an external face to compliment the internal…. A healthy human being is in touch with both their light AND dark sides… ;)

”If it is important to you, you will find a way. If it’s not, you will find an excuse.” ♥

I can’t emphasize enough how important this is.  I’m not sure the source of the quote… but it is true in all of our experience, in my opinion…

I witness myself finding ways to do seemingly “crazy” things in the name of LOVE. But, some things are important enough to “find a way”… <3  it does not matter what the circumstances… if i’m in love, i will make it happen… here i saw no other way but to make these rocks balance in this way… and i was a bit skeptical that it could work…as with many things that may SEEM impossible.  but making it work was the only viable option in my mind… so it became possible.

Something that has begun to happen with rock balancing, is that i have begun applying this “make it happen” framework to my entire life… if my intuition sparks.. and the love is there, I will find a way to balance it. :)

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