Diary of a Rock Balancer :: 

Stone Balance Art created and photographed by Michael Grab — 20 March 2016 — Colorado, USA :: Meditation ::

“It is here and now. It is almost always here and now that matters. I must keep that. I must feed on that – not go on a diet about it. I must learn how to not feel suffocated over the circulating, extreme power of that.”

~ V. Woolf

Jedi Level: Young Padawan

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Meditation. Balance. Art.

Session 01

“Flush the Mind”


229 Responses
  1. אי אפשר לתאר את היופי והמורכבות של היצירה. כאילו נוגד את חוקי הטבע מרשים ביותר וכל הכבוד לסבלנות של היוצר

  2. I have no idea how you get this to balance with gravity alone and then moving water to boot. No glue somewhere?somehow? So incredibly awesome! It almost seems like two pieces put together, the still and the moving.

  3. Ever since I saw your work over a year ago I have been trying to find the zero point. It is truly meditative work, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing us something so simple to look for, but so hard to maintain.

    I have managed some pretty complex patterns, but you sir are on a level I will never be able to reach simply because I dont have the thousands of hours required to achieve this mastery.

    Cant wait to see when the Jedi level upgrades :D

  4. Your power is always in the Now! You can tell if you are in the flow of that power by how you feel Now. Always reach for the better feeling thought now and build your momentum from one positive now thought after another until the physical manifestation of that which you desire is the next logical step. <3 Awesome ballance makes it easier for those well ballanced thoughts to flow. B|

    1. I wanna believe but I can`t, today its so easy to make stuff like that beeing a designer, so much easier than having a unique awesome gift of making something impossible like that. o-o

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