“Knowing when to leave is as important as knowing when to insist.”

..a central lesson with stone balance. “one. more. rock.” as they say.. haha.. can be the difference between collapse and magic. Although that’s more in reference to simpler formations with smallest rocks on top.

More technical arrangements like this require a little more foresight to such precise lateral weight distribution. the most crucial aspect of building this is to accurately mimic the total appending weight and direction with the bracing hand, while keeping the counterbalances all stable. just a bit too much pressure or wiggle tends to torque tense counters out sideways. using a large top rock and minimizing balance points makes it all much more challenging. slow steady breathing and sitting recommended. As for leaving or insisting… the logical side was telling me to leave, considering amount of daylight left and how utterly wiggly this combo of rocks felt. Over-ruled by the intuitive mind which had me keep going.

22 Responses
  1. Gravity Glue Michael your natural, free flow sculptures are utterly amazing. Being half Celt I have always been attracted top rock cairns, but your work bring a whole new level to the term. Thank you so much for sharing your gift with the world! Blessings during this Betaine Season! <3

  2. In Hawaii we stack at low tide.so we can watch as the ocean takes them stones back.
    Some of our stacks are so large we must destroy them so the kieke don’t get hurt plain with em.

    1. it is truly awesome.i think it has something to do with distributing balance simmilary around central axis of the construct…but to achieve that-admirable

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