“To make the right choices in life, you have to get in touch with your soul. To do this, you need to experience solitude, which most people are afraid of, because in the silence you hear the truth and know the solutions.” ~ Deepak Chopra
Every Spring, Boulder Creek begins to rage as the snow melts from the mountains… the season is frustrating at times because the flow is just too heavy to do ANYTHING… no expectations…

Here is a balance I made in the middle of the heavy current… It blows my mind slightly how resilient this balance was despite all the pressure stress it resisted… not to mention the precarious nature of the balance itself… I thought for sure it would fall within minutes and rushed for my camera after about an hour of realization…My entire body vibrated in the flowing current which increased difficulty tenfold… Not the most enjoyable conditions to work in, but I highly enjoy challenging my skills :)
much to my surprise, the balance lasted for at least 2 days under heavy stress… An obvious demonstration of the definitive aspect of stone balance… A fine line indeed, but always definitive…

This serves as a good metaphor that despite whatever stresses are happening in my life, there is ALWAYS a potential still point inside… And it is always up to me, and me ONLY, if I choose to tap into that still point… <3