“Sometimes I’m terrified of my heart; of its constant hunger for whatever it is it wants. The way it stops and starts.”

~ Edgar Allan Poe

I’ve acquired a bit more perspective through observing an apparent SPIKE in traffic to my website. Though, it is possible I still have no idea what I’m talking about or what is still ahead. These are more accounts of synchronous moments…

I’ve been contemplating over the way so many elements and experiences all coalesced into a collective surge of creation over the past week.  I’m tempted to say that the Full Moon did it. ha. which sounds ridiculous… but now that I think back, I was incredibly determined to create. Almost void of control. As if the heart had a greater intention than I(ego) did. So I created. my first orb as salutation for the coming moon. I didn’t expect to get pictures with the orb AND the moon together.

The next day I returned to the quarry and built my second orb…and another perfect alignment of elements (wind, sunset colors, balances, orb, proportions…) came together for yet another fine visual collaboration..

This is where some interesting nuances begin to appear.

I noted my reaction to reviewing my first orb (w/ the moon) AFTER having evolved with the creative experience of the second… the difference astounded me. Looking at the two orbs side by side makes me think of evolving…as if the latter was affected by a heightened vibration of consciousness.

Next major synchronicity might have been spurred by my posting the full moon picture. Anyway, I had a random message in my inbox suggesting that I submit a photo to “Thisiscolossal.com”.  I’d never heard of it before but decided to take the cue. I received an email back from the blog less than 10 minutes later… requesting more pictures in excitement!

So “colossal” published a photo article of my work on Monday morning. From there, it kinda blew up a bit…. Now it’s Wednesday and already over 30 more blogs all around the world have run an article about my work..with interest reaching Discover Channel Canada and Huffington Post? WHOA!

Seems that the universe channeled some attention toward my art. I’m beginning to think that I really have no control of this flow of creation. Simply one of hundreds of monkeys paying attention to the heart.

I still blame the Full Moon for heavily influencing the flow over the last week..

…perhaps this is all psychobabble…

point being that there are many seemingly random events that, without even one lining up correctly, then there may not have been a relative surge in creation. When I refer to creation I am speaking of the entire unfolding or flow of the universe itself.


The picture here is of the three orbs I’ve successfully built so far. Beginning with the one last week. There was one failed attempt that would’ve fallen between the two most recent orbs.  So, the first one here was made on the first day of the Full Moon. The second one was created on the second day of the Full Moon. and the third one was made this past Saturday.  Each one is built from scratch, and the relative proportions are as accurate as I could get them..




11 Responses
  1. thanks for the reference, Michael. Yes, synchronicity is quite astounding when you attend to it. The effect of our life and work on the world around us, on other people (especially in this era of social connection via the internet) are truly complex beyond our imagination. (Perhaps that is an aspect of our brain/mind/imagination that will evolve with the new reality–perhaps you are one of those “newly evolved minds” who is able to artistically/symbolically express that reality. I certainly see it in your work….with balance and connection and beauty and impermanence so amazingly coalesced. It reminds me of the beautiful mandalas created out of colored sand by Buddhist monks as a meditation, and then flung into a river to truly embody impermanence.

    I shared your work with my congregation this past Sunday as an illustration of working out that balance between concentrating on the source and the output. (Had some questions from some people in the congregation that I was addressing on that topic of becoming too focused on the “what,” on the output, while perhaps neglecting the “why.” (Which points to the source of inspiration, etc.) So, there’s one more example of your work reaching new ears and eyes. Inserting your vision into the universe via 150 people in Tulsa who saw it yesterday.

    Your post also made me think you would be interested in Process Philosophy. I went to a seminary (Claremont School of Theology) heavily influenced by the theological adaptation of Process Philosophy. I find it fascinating to view your work through that lens, especially given your medium–stone, ancient rumblings and product of the earth, and your method–balance, something so illusory and impermanent. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction re the “full moon.” I see what you mean. Luna is a powerful princess, isn’t she? This is one way she has inspired me: nathanmattox.blogspot.com/2009/03/night-rainbows-hopefully-this-will-win.html

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