Something i know from relatively extensive EXPERIENCE is that stone balance is highly unpredictable. It is constantly at the mercy of the elements, which makes it a slight contradiction to the prominent human will of scheduling and controlling things. Second lesson from my experience is that despite the often unpredictable circumstances, patience and perseverance are among my most powerful allies — those and continuous awareness of my shifting environment. it does not surprise me (in hindsight) that i ended up finding myself in a pair of borrowed fishing waders and an enchanting pool of water. haha. i can’t explain how this even really worked out, but just as i predicted, the existence of balanced rocks seemed quite magical considering most elements hinting NO. i guess i kept saying yes enough with an open heart for my environment to finally cooperate.
Here is the final short film that I was helping out with, which is an artistic promotional film for the island of Borkum:
Michael – Thank you for your beautiful art and inspiring posts. This post, as so often, is a great metaphor for life and especially spoke to me as I have taken on an incredible challenge.
“…unwavering intent when all seemed hopeless/impossible, aligning with the rhythms of the environment (life), in unpredictable circumstances patience and perseverance are the most powerful allies, as well as continuous awareness (mindfulness), unexplainable how things work out (moments of grace), and saying Yes with an open heart when all says No…” Even the heart rock reflects living life with compassion.
Is that Borkum in germany or is there an other island with that name? are you back around this parts?
yes it was borkum Germany… i just came home from amsterdam yeasterday! :)
Thank you so much Michael! Your Art is very inspirig!
Great Spirit on work!
Composition w/a reath from the Great Spirit!b
Spirit of Love around!
I love the way the tree branches look like arms. The rocks and environment look like someone dancing ecstatically.
Hehe, I know this problem very well ;) I like your sand creations as well, nice work …
awesome !!! rocks rocks :-)
Really a wise and open/hearted approach.
i am mesmerized. It is the ultimate zen.
Heart on balance – nice
Nice shot and formed to correspond with the environment.
Hahahahahaha whaaat, this is insaaane!! Woweeeee :D
Angelica Prisciliano Jackie Carcano
gravity man
Magical man
the top rock looks like the wu tang W
I see only the success of your patience and I like knowing that these results do not come with the push of a button on a laptop
This photo really uplifted me today. Thank you. Beautiful!
Finally…just beautyful.
Have a save trip back, please.
nothing like a well balanced stone…
beautiful lessons… and the way you cooperate with the Stone People and Nature Spirits… very beautiful!
you are a true master
I like how the edges of the top rock follow the directions of the branches in the background
Extensions of environment <3
Michael- what resonated for me was when you said ‘ I kept saying yes enough with an open heart for my environment to finally cooperate.’ Thank you <3
Wow what a moment! ❤️