“With the Shramana, one of the first things he practices is silence. It’s called Mauna. And he may take a vow not to speak for a month, or a year.. And after about a month of Mauna. You don’t only stop talking. But you stop thinking in words. and that’s a very curious experience when it happens, because.. All the senses take on a tremendous intensity. You see things which you have never seen before because you stop codifying and classifying the world by thinking. Sunsets appear incredibly more vivid, and flowers are enchanting. The whole world comes alive to the Muni (silent one).”

~ Alan Watts


This balance encourages silence through the precarious form it takes.  I find that the smaller I can get the balance points to be, the more I naturally become silent while observing it. Perhaps this is a reason I love to make the balances seem impossible. I imagine they have a similar effect on others as far as encouraging inner silence.. I guess that’s what my photos are meant to promote too… inner silence :)


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